
Provided ChannelHandlers and codecs

This chapter covers

  • Securing Netty applications with SSL/TLS
  • Building Netty HTTP/HTTPS applications
  • Handling idle connections and timeouts
  • Decoding delimited and length-based protocols
  • Writing big data

Securing Netty applications with SSL/TLS

To support SSL/TLS, Java provides the package javax.net.ssl, whose classes SSLContext and SSLEngine make it quite straightforward to implement decryption and encryption. Netty leverages this API by way of a ChannelHandler implementation named SslHandler, which employs an SSLEngine internally to do the actual work.

Netty’s OpenSSL/SSLEngine implementation
Netty also provides an SSLEngine implementation that uses the OpenSSL toolkit(www.openssl.org). This class, OpenSslEngine, offers better performance than the SSLEngine implementation supplied by the JDK.

Netty applications (clients and servers) can be configured to use OpenSslEngine by default if the OpenSSL libraries are available. If not, Netty will fall back to the JDK implementation. For detailed instructions on configuring OpenSSL support, please see the Netty documentation at http://netty.io/wiki/forked-tomcat-native.html#wikih2-1.

Note that the SSL API and data flow are identical whether you use the JDK’s SSLEngine or Netty’s OpenSslEngine.

Figure 11.1 shows data flow using SslHandler.
Figure 11.1 Data flow through SslHandler for decryption and encryption

Figure 11.1 Data flow through SslHandler for decryption and encryption

Listing 11.1 shows how an SslHandler is added to a ChannelPipeline using a ChannelInitializer.

The SslHandler has some useful methods, as shown in the following table.

Building Netty HTTP/HTTPS applications

HTTP decoder, encoder, and codec

Figures 11.2 shows the methods for HTTP requests .
Figure 11.2 HTTP request component parts

Figure 11.2 HTTP request component parts

Figures 11.3 shows the methods for HTTP responses.
Figure 11.3 HTTP response component parts

Figure 11.3 HTTP response component parts

The following table gives an overview of the HTTP decoders and encoders that handle and produce these messages.

All types of HTTP messages (FullHttpRequest, LastHttpContent, and those shown in the above list) implement the HttpObject interface.

The class HttpPipelineInitializer in the next listing shows how simple it is to add HTTP support to your application.

HTTP message aggregation

Netty provides an aggregator that merges message parts into FullHttpRequest and FullHttpResponse messages. This way you always see the full message contents. The following list shows how this is done.

HTTP compression

Netty provides ChannelHandler implementations for compression and decompression that support both gzip and deflate encodings.

HTTP request header
The client can indicate supported encryption modes by supplying the followingheader:

GET /encrypted-area HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

Note, however, that the server isn’t obliged to compress the data it sends.

An example is shown in the following listing.

Compression and dependencies
If you’re using JDK 6 or earlier, you’ll need to add JZlib (www.jcraft.com/jzlib/) to the CLASSPATH to support compression. For Maven, add the following dependency:



The following listing shows that enabling HTTPS is only a matter of adding an SslHandler to the mix.


WebSockets provide a true bidirectional exchange of data between client and server.

Figure 11.4 gives a general idea of the WebSocket protocol. In this scenario the communication starts as plain HTTP and upgrades to bidirectional WebSocket.
Figure 11.4 WebSocket protocol

Figure 11.4 WebSocket protocol

As shown in the following table, WebSocketFrames can be classed as data or control frames.

Secure WebSocket
To add security to WebSocket, simply insert the SslHandler as the first ChannelHandler in the pipeline.

Idle connections and timeouts

Detecting idle connections and timeouts is essential to freeing resources in a timely manner. This is such a common task that Netty provides several ChannelHandler implementations just for this purpose. The following table shows these.

Let’s take a closer look at IdleStateHandler, the one most used in practice. The following list shows this.

Decoding delimited and length-based protocols

Delimited protocols

The decoders listed in the following table will help you to define custom decoders that can extract frames delimited by any sequence of tokens.

Figure 11.5 shows how frames are handled when delimited by the end-of-line sequence \r\n (carriage return + line feed).
Figure 11.5 Frames delimited by line endings

Figure 11.5 Frames delimited by line endings

The following listing shows how you can use LineBasedFrameDecoder to handle the case shown in figure 11.5.

Length-based protocols

The following table lists the two decoders Netty provides for handling length-based protocols.

Figure 11.6 shows the operation of a FixedLengthFrameDecoder that has been constructed with a frame length of 8 bytes.
Figure 11.6 Decoding a frame length of 8 bytes

Figure 11.6 Decoding a frame length of 8 bytes

LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder determines the frame length from the header field and extracts the specified number of bytes from the data stream.

Figure 11.7 shows an example where the length field in the header is at offset 0 and has a length of 2 bytes.
Figure 11.7 Message with variable frame size encoded in the header

Figure 11.7 Message with variable frame size encoded in the header

The following list shows the use of a constructor whose three arguments are maxFrameLength, lengthFieldOffset, and lengthFieldLength.

Writing big data

This listing shows how you can transmit a file’s contents using zero-copy by creating a DefaultFileRegion from a FileInputStream and writing it to a Channel.

This example applies only to the direct transmission of a file’s contents, excluding any processing of the data by the application. In cases where you need to copy the data from the file system into user memory, you can use ChunkedWriteHandler, which provides support for writing a large data stream asynchronously without incurring high memory consumption.

The key is interface ChunkedInput<B>, where the parameter B is the type returned by the method readChunk(). Four implementations of this interface are provided, as listed in the following table.

The following list illustrates the use of ChunkedStream, the implementation most often used in practice.

Serializing data

JDK serialization

If your application has to interact with peers that use ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream, and compatibility is your primary concern, then JDK serialization is the right choice. The following table lists the serialization classes that Netty provides for interoperating with the JDK.

Serialization with JBoss Marshalling

If you are free to make use of external dependencies, JBoss Marshalling is ideal: It’s up to three times faster than JDK Serialization and more compact. The overview on the JBoss Marshalling homepage defines it this way:

JBoss Marshalling is an alternative serialization API that fixes many of the problems found in the JDK serialization API while remaining fully compatible with java.io.Serializable and its relatives, and adds several new tunable parameters and additional features, all of which are pluggable via factory configuration (externalizers, class/instance lookup tables, class resolution, and object replacement, to name a few).

Netty supports JBoss Marshalling with the two decoder/encoder pairs shown in the following table. The first set is compatible with peers that use only JDK Serialization. The second, which provides maximum performance, is for use with peers that use JBoss Marshalling.

The following listing shows how to use MarshallingDecoder and MarshallingEncoder.

Serialization via Protocol Buffers

The following table shows the ChannelHandler implementations Netty supplies for protobuf support.

Here again, using protobuf is a matter of adding the right ChannelHandler to the ChannelPipeline, as shown in the following list.
