
EventLoop and threading model

This chapter covers

  • Threading model overview
  • Event loop concept and implementation
  • Task scheduling
  • Implementation details

Threading model overview

The basic thread pooling pattern can be described as:

  • A Thread is selected from the pool’s free list and assigned to run a submitted task (an implementation of Runnable).
  • When the task is complete, the Thread is returned to the list and becomes available for reuse.

This pattern is illustrated in figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1 Executor execution logic

Interface EventLoop

The corresponding programming construct is often referred to as an event loop, a term Netty adopts with interface io.netty.channel.EventLoop.

The basic idea of an event loop is illustrated in the following listing, where each task is an instance of Runnable (as in figure 7.1).

Netty’s EventLoop is part of a collaborative design that employs two fundamental APIs: concurrency and networking. First, the package io.netty.util.concurrent builds on the JDK package java.util.concurrent to provide thread executors. Second, the classes in the package io.netty.channel extend these in order to interface with Channel events. The resulting class hierarchy is seen in figure 7.2.
Figure 7.2 EventLoop class hierarchy

In this model, an EventLoop is powered by exactly one Thread that never changes, and tasks (Runnable or Callable) can be submitted directly to EventLoop implementations for immediate or scheduled execution.

Note that Netty’s EventLoop, while it extends ScheduledExecutorService, defines only one method, parent(). This method is intended to return a reference to the EventLoopGroup to which the current EventLoop implementation instance belongs.

public interface EventLoop extends EventExecutor, EventLoopGroup {
EventLoopGroup parent();

EVENT/TASK EXECUTION ORDER Events and tasks are executed in FIFO (first-in-first-out) order.

I/O and event handling in Netty 4

Event-handling logic must be generic and flexible enough to handle all possible use cases. Therefore, in Netty 4 all I/O operations and events are handled by the Thread that has been assigned to the EventLoop.

I/O operations in Netty 3

The threading model used in previous releases guaranteed only that inbound (previously called upstream) events would be executed in the so-called I/O thread (corresponding to Netty 4’s EventLoop). All outbound (downstream) events were handled by the calling thread, which might be the I/O thread or any other.

Task scheduling

JDK scheduling API

Before Java 5, task scheduling was built on java.util.Timer, which uses a background Thread and has the same limitations as standard threads. Subsequently, the JDK provided the package java.util.concurrent, which defines the interface ScheduledExecutorService. Table 7.1 shows the relevant factory methods of java.util.concurrent.Executors.
Table 7.1 The java.util.concurrent.Executors factory methods

The next listing shows how to use ScheduledExecutorService to run a task after a 60-second delay.

Scheduling tasks using EventLoop

The ScheduledExecutorService implementation has limitations, such as the fact that extra threads are created as part of pool management.

To schedule a task to be executed every 60 seconds, use scheduleAtFixedRate(), as shown next.

As we noted earlier, Netty’s EventLoop extends ScheduledExecutorService (see figure 7.2), so it provides all of the methods available with the JDK implementation, including schedule() and scheduleAtFixedRate(), used in the preceding examples.

To cancel or check the state of an execution, use the ScheduledFuture that’s returned for every asynchronous operation. This listing shows a simple cancellation operation.

Implementation details

Thread management

Figure 7.3 shows the execution logic used by EventLoop to schedule tasks.
Figure 7.3 EventLoop execution logic

We stated earlier the importance of not blocking the current I/O thread. We’ll say it again in another way: “Never put a long-running task in the execution queue, because it will block any other task from executing on the same thread.” If you must make blocking calls or execute long-running tasks, we advise the use of a dedicated EventExecutor. (See the sidebar “ChannelHandler execution and blocking” in section 6.2.1.)

EventLoop/thread allocation

Figure 7.4 displays an EventLoopGroup with a fixed size of three EventLoops (each powered by one Thread). The EventLoops (and their Threads) are allocated directly when the EventLoopGroup is created to ensure that they will be available when needed.
Figure 7.4 EventLoop allocation for non-blocking transports (such as NIO and AIO)

The design for other transports such as OIO (old blocking I/O) is a bit different, as illustrated in figure 7.5.
Figure 7.5 EventLoop allocation of blocking transports (such as OIO)
