
Unit testing

This chapter covers

  • Unit testing
  • Overview of EmbeddedChannel
  • Testing ChannelHandlers with EmbeddedChannel

Overview of EmbeddedChannel

Netty provides what it calls an embedded transport for testing ChannelHandlers. This transport is a feature of a special Channel implementation, EmbeddedChannel, which provides a simple way to pass events through the pipeline.

The relevant methods of EmbeddedChannel are listed in the following table.

Figure 9.1 shows how data flows through the ChannelPipeline using the methods of EmbeddedChannel.
Figure 9.1 EmbeddedChannel data flow

Testing ChannelHandlers with EmbeddedChannel

Testing inbound messages

Figure 9.2 represents a simple ByteToMessageDecoder implementation.
Figure 9.2 Decoding via FixedLengthFrameDecoder

The implementation of the decoder is shown in the following listing.

This listing shows a test of the preceding code using EmbeddedChannel.

Testing outbound messages

Figure 9.3 shows the logic.

The next listing implements this logic, illustrated in figure 9.3.

The next listing tests the code using EmbeddedChannel.

Testing exception handling

In figure 9.4 the maximum frame size has been set to 3 bytes. If the size of a frame exceeds that limit, its bytes are discarded and a TooLongFrameException is thrown.
Figure 9.4 Decoding via FrameChunkDecoder

The implementation is shown in the following listing.

Again, we’ll test the code using EmbeddedChannel.

The try/catch block used here is a special feature of EmbeddedChannel. If one of the write* methods produces a checked Exception, it will be thrown wrapped in a RuntimeException.
